Slow Growth.*

This is the one thing you are assured of when you constantly put in quality work to achieve mastery at something. It begins with a proper mindset and continues with an unfailing commitment to the journey.


A year ago, I decided to design a website on WordPress and begin writing articles on medicine, motivation and my life in medical school. Over 40 different countries, 8000+ views and 25 posts, I’m grateful for every time I showed up.

Writing for my blog taught me a myriad of lessons, the biggest of which remains that starting something new will open you up for new opportunities. 

From finding the discipline to write as often as possible for this blog (wish I could say every week, haha), I found encouragement to start investing in other areas of interest in my life.

I learnt to enjoy the process and savour those little moments of accomplishment every time I hit ‘Publish’ on my WordPress account, share on social media and reply to comments.


I began to relish the fulfilment in typing the words out one after the other, editing the whole piece afterwards and rereading what my mind had composed.

When I first started the blog, I really didn’t enjoy the process as much. In fact, I dreaded the admin work of organising the blog pages, setting up SEO and adding pictures, links, designs for each post.

However, with time, some of those tasks got easier while I got used to the others. It became intuitive to not only write (doing the part I actually signed up for), but also embrace all the extra things that came with it.

That was when I realised my preference for freelance writing and continued exploring that. I also understood that putting out the content whether I felt like it or not was building some discipline and grit that I would someday require.


This helped me set the goal to grow, just slowly grow- improve my writing skills and explore whatever opportunities would come along the way. After setting this “destination” (which is more of a journey if you really think about it), I decided to simply go with the process.

This is simply an encouragement to someone who is scared to get started and to another person who keeps showing up everyday to put in dedicated effort towards that goal, no matter the circumstances.

~Keep going even if you can’t see the whole picture. At least, you’re sure you’ll grow, slowly.~

*SlowGrowth is an online community that believes in savouring the journey, because giant leaps begin with small steps.

PS: Thank you to each person that keeps reading these posts here. I hope you keep getting value each time🤍.

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3 Responses

  1. Somtochukwu says:

    Happy Anniversary!🎉🤩

    Slow growth might seem unmotivating at first, but if we are able to stay at it much longer than most, the compound effect starts to roll in:)

    Congratulations on the blog so far👏🏾👏🏾
    Cheers to even more posts and opportunities!🥂💫

  2. Yinka says:

    Congratulations 🎉🎈

    Thanks for dishing out motivation on the regular.
    More years of growth awaits you!

  1. 5 October 2021

    […] your current position, being content there and growing slowly while taking on only what you’re capable of at the moment is not a bad […]

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