Most individuals will find it difficult to deal with the rigor and expectations of medical school. Many medical students gradually burn out, give up or become miserable. Other students, however, learn to enjoy the process. These few ones have learnt how to not only survive but thrive despite the harsh conditions of medical education.

It is important to develop sustainable self-confidence in your abilities. This is the only way you’ll be able to accept yourself and truly understand your strengths and weaknesses. Then you will be able to set realistic goals, appreciate praise and handle criticism effectively.

Confident medical students checking an Xray

Learn To Adapt: While in medical school, you will come to understand that your old habits will not work for you and you constantly have to embrace change. At this point, you will realize that getting the desired results is not just about studying harder but about knowing how to study and manage your time effectively.

To boost your self-confidence, you have to be open. Experiment with various assumptions, track your progress and challenge old systems. What works for others may not work for you. Understand yourself and be willing to structure everything over again.

Self-confident student studying outside

Embrace a New Mindset: As a medical student, the outcomes will always vary. Sequel to this, you must be able to separate your failures from your self-identity. You must constantly affirm yourself and develop a positive space for growth.

When you make mistakes, you should squeeze all the possible lessons from it. Then get up and see the situation as an opportunity to do better, to be better. Don’t compare yourself with others. Rather, honestly analyse your position and take the necessary steps.

Optimise Study Strategies: The quantity of information in medical school is overwhelming. Many medical students are, however, focused on the generic passive reading of notes and scrolling through PowerPoint slides.

Using evidence-based study strategies in medical school

Research and incorporate efficient evidence-based study methods such as active learning and spaced repetition. This approach may be more uncomfortable but will definitely give the results you desire which will in turn boost your self-confidence.

Organise Everything: A clutter-free environment will substantially facilitate your learning. So, make your bed. Arrange your study space. Tidy your bag. De-clutter your phone. Schedule your daily events. Categorise your notes and study materials.

‘How to Stay Organised every day’

You want to make sure you are in the right state of mind to do actual work. Check out ‘How to Stay Organised every day’ to see more organisation tips that will work for you.

Leave the Ego Behind: Despite having amazing records previously, most students in medical school won’t feel especially smart all the time. It’s okay to not understand a concept the first time. Ask for help and be willing to teach others also.

Create a strong support network where you can share ideas, connect and socialise with others. This will most likely consist of family members and friends that truly care and classmates that understand what you’re going through.

Strong support network of medical students

Prioritise Healthy Habits: As a medical student, you are most likely highly-motivated. This means that you will push yourself to achieve your goals, while sometimes disregarding healthy self-care practices. Unfortunately, you’re doing yourself more harm than good this way.

So take care of yourself. Eat properly. Drink enough water. Create time for exercise. Spend time outside, take that walk and clear your head. This will make you even more productive and effective in the long run.

Vision board and focused plans to develop self-confidence

Have a vision, set your goals, create a plan and work smart. No matter what happens, remember you’re the master of your own life. You depend and ride primarily on your own motivation and affirmations.

In medical school, you want to make sure you have the right mindset and are constantly in a positive cycle of self-confidence, productivity, efficient work and awesome results. Don’t forget to thrive in the process!

How to develop self-confidence in medical school_VIVACEVA

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4 Responses

  1. Nnenna says:

    …been thinking of the spaced repetition. Will definitely try it now

    Thank you.

  2. Bridget says:

    This such a good read. Thank you!

  3. Bridget says:

    This is such a good read. Thank you!

  4. Sheytie Grace says:

    Very nice…. learnt a lot… thank you very much.

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